Conventional Veterinary Care and Diagnostic Testing.
Have treatments and testing done from the comfort of your home.
Why test at home?
Sometimes patients receiving veterinary care in a traditional setting require frequent trips to the clinic for monitoring or treatments that can become cumbersome and stressful for the animals and their owners.
To limit stress to animals and allow convenience for pet owners, Dr. Conant offers general exams as well as the ability to address specific concerns in the comfort of your own home.
Tests Available.
For acute or ongoing problems, such as skin allergies, digestive issues, minor wounds, orthopedic concerns or management of chronic illnesses, much can be accomplished at home.
A few possibilities are:
Blood pressure checks
Pulse oximetry
Blood testing
Administration of injections (like Adequan, Vitamin B12, Percorten, subcutaneous fluids, etc).
Cushings disease
Minor wound dressing and care
If additional diagnostic tests are needed (such as X-ray or ultrasound imaging), or when surgical procedures or dental treatments are indicated, Dr. Conant can work with your primary veterinarian or refer you to either a local general practice veterinarian or specialist if needed.
Contact us if you are interested in a specific test to see if it’s possible to be done at home.